I didn’t receive a confirmation email for my order.
 Can I cancel my order or change my delivery details?
Can I send orders to different addresses?
I listed the incorrect details on my order (i.e. address, name, delivery date etc.)
Can I have a different delivery date to what is offered?
Do you offer gift packaging or personalized messages?
When will my cherries arrive?
 I didn't receive my order! What now?
Do you deliver to Rural addresses?
 I received damaged cherries. What do I do now?
When will I receive my white cherries?
Can I choose my variety of cherry?
Can you send extra empty boxes with my order?
Can I place a Corporate Order for staff/clients?
Can I buy at wholesale prices?
Can I send cherries overseas to friends/family?
When is cherry season?
How should I store fresh cherries?
What are the health benefits of cherries?
What can I make with cherries besides eating them fresh?